Thursday, 27 February 2014

N. 39: D. Sassi

G. it. Ent., 7 (39): 187-193
April 30, 1995

Cryptocephalus etruscus Suffrian dell'Italia peninsulare,
specie vicina a Cryptocephalus ilicis Olivier
(Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Cryptocephalinae)



Abstract - Cryptocephalus etruscus Suffrian from peninsular Italy, species near to Cryptocephalus ilicis Olivier (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Cryptocephalinae) - Owing to the morphology of its aedeagus, Cryptocephalus etruscus Suffrian [to the name etruscus Dejean, 1837, nomen nudum, was associated a description only later by Suffrian (1847), Cryptocephalus ilicis var. etruscus Suffrian] is considered a distinct species, closely related to C. ilicis Olivier. It appears to be distributed in the areas more typically Mediterranean of central and southern Italy. The true C. ilicis Olivier seems to have an uncommon range, being present in Jordan, Turkey, the Balkan peninsula and Sicily, its records outside this area needing confirmation.