Wednesday, 5 February 2014

N. 30: J. I. López-Colón

G. it. Ent., 6 (30): 33-46
April 30, 1992

Notas taxonómicas y distribución geográfica de los
representantes circummediterráneos de los Thorectes Muls.
pertenecientes al subgénero Silphotrupes Jekel, 1866
(Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Geotrupidae)



Abstract - Taxonomic notes and geographic distributions of the circummediterranean representatives of the subgenus Silphotrupes Jekel, 1866 of Thorectes Musl. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Geotrupidae) - A revision of the circummediterranenan species of the subgenus Silphotrupes Jekel, 1866 of Thorectes Mulsant, 1842. A new synonymy - Thorectes (Silphotrupes) opaculus Reitter, 1893 = T. (S.) petrovitzi Baraud, 1970 - and a new status for the former - Thorectes (Silphotrupes) escorialensis subspecies opaculus Reitter, 1893 - are established. The geographic distributions of the Mediterranean Silphotrupes are defined.