Thursday, 12 December 2013

N. 8: F. Battoni

G. it. Ent., 2 (8): 187-194
September 30, 1984

Rinvenimento di due nuove specie per l'Europa del genere Brachinus Weber, 1801,
di cui una inedita ed altre osservazioni
(Coleoptera Carabidae Brachininae)



Abstract - The description of Brachinus (s. str.) alexandri n. sp. (= Br. plagiatus Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1973, nec Reiche) is given. It is closely related to Br. plagiatus Reiche and Br. berytensis Reiche especially, but with a different build of the aedeagus and a rufous basal spot of elytra wider and longer the the ones of Br. berytensis Reiche and Br. plagiatus Reiche especially. Br. alexandri n. sp. is often syntopic with Br. berytensis (which is here signalized in Europe for the first time): Alexandroupolis (Greece), Gönen-Bandirma (NW Anatolia), Dzervez (Armenia: Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1973). On the contrary the new species is probably allopatric with Br. plagiatus which is not likely to be present in E Aegean and Caucasian areas (a S European - S Mediterranean species only), but it is present and sympatric with Br. berytensis in SE Mediterranean shores (Haifa). As regards other remarks, according to the Author there is the possibility that Br. efflans Dejean & Boisduval (a SW Mediterranean taxon) may be only a subspecies of Br. crepitans Linn. (a W Asiatic - European species), too great being the morphological external variability in both allopatric taxa for a taxonomical specific separation (they are sympatric in Sicily only). Keys to the Brachinus species of the plagiatus-group are provided.