Monday, 9 December 2013

N. 5: P. A. Galletti & M. Pavesi

G. it. Ent., 1 (5): 247-260
September 30, 1983

Su alcuni Odonati di Grecia



Abstract - The Authors deal with 35 species of Odonata from Greece. Among them Calopteryx virgo festiva (Brullé) (similar to C. virgo padana f. schmidti Conci); C. splendens (Harris) s.l. [specimens look different from balcanica Fudakowski as different looks the male illustrated by Dumont (1972); the specimens from the Strimón are on the contrary quite similar to the Italian ones, though some of them have the apex of wings completely dark; some females (62%) from Elefthéri are homochrome]; Epallage fatime Charpentier; Platycnemis p. pennipes (Pallas) and P. p. nitidula (Brullé) (the specimens from Epirus and Thessaly belong to nitidula, only a female from Mount Ossa is a form of transition to the nominate subspecies, here recorded from Macedonia); Pyrrhosoma n. nymphula (Sulzer); Ischnura e. elegans (Vander Linden) (a lake near Kartérion: in the end of August nymphae were opening in broad daylight, catching at the underwater vegetation, while only the top of head and thorax was emerging); Erythromma viridulum (Charp.) (a lake near Kartérion; two generations a year); Onychogomphus forcipatus meridionalis (Stein, 1863) nec Selys, 1850 [Selys described only a "race méridionale" (1850), name not available, attributing it later (1873) to Aeshna unguiculata Vander Linden. Stein (1863) was the first to use the name meridionalis attributing it to some specimens from the Balkans. The O. forcipatus here examined are quite different (see the structure of the appendix inferior of male) from unguiculatus, while they seem to be closely related to the forcipatus (L.) s.str. - siculus group. Formerly Bilek (1967) illustrated its (meridionalis Selys) relationship with the nominate subspecies]; Cordulegaster bidentatus Selys s.l. [specimens have yellow coloring more widespread than the one of bidentatus s.str. (see Dumont, 1977): the relation between these specimens and C. bidentatus sicilicus Fraser is analogous to the one that is between the chromatic forms A and B (Morton, 1915) of C. boltoni immaculifrons Selys]. An eastern origin of the Sicilian populations of Cordulegaster and Onychogomphus is contemplated.