Saturday, 7 December 2013

N. 3: E. Balestrazzi, P. A. Galletti & M. Pavesi

G. it. Ent., 1 (3): 153-168
January 31, 1983

Sulla presenza in Italia di
Cordulegaster boltoni immaculifrons Selys, 1850
e considerazioni sulle specie italiane congeneri
(Odonata Cordulegasteridae)



Abstract - The discovery of a single male specimen of C. boltoni immaculifrons Selys on the wings in western Liguria in August 1981, was the incentive to undertake two further collecting trips in the same district. Along the Rio Muratore near Pigna (Imperia, W Liguria), besides specimens of Calopteryx haemorroidalis occasi, C. virgo meridionalis, Chalcolestes viridis, Platycnemis pennipes, Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Boyeria irene, Anax imperator, Onychogomphus uncatus, O. forcipatus unguiculatus, several individuals belonging to this subsp. were found. C. boltoni immaculifrons, so far known from C Spain and S France only, is ascertained, with a transitional form towards N Italian boltoni, from Italy for the first time (only uncertain or erroneous records were hitherto known from Italy) on the basis of a series of 50 males and 6 females, while the specimens from other localities in Liguria all belong to the N Italian (nominate?) form; an account and original drawings of intrasubsp. differences from the material from typical territory of immaculifrons are also provided. The literature on the occurrence of this subsp. in Italy is critically reviewed. The finding of C. b. bidentatus Selys in Lazio (C Italy) is brought on record and a key for the identification of the Italian species of Cordulegaster is provided.