Monday, 9 December 2013

N. 6: G. Platia

G. it. Ent., 2 (6): 119-122
January 31, 1984

Descrizione di una nuova specie di Athous della Sardegna
e considerazioni su Athous dorgaliensis Buysson
(III contributo alla conoscenza dei Coleoptera Elateridae)



Abstract - Athous (Orthathous) melonii n. sp. is described from Sardinia: the new taxon is closely allied to A. dorgaliensis Buyss. The systematic position of A. dorgaliensis Buyss. is discussed and the species is transferred from subgenus Athous s. str. (= Grypocarus Thoms.) to subgenus Orthathous Reitter (sensu Müller, 1912).