Tuesday, 7 January 2014

N. 21: F. Battoni & M. Tombesi

G. it. Ent., 4 (21): 183-190
April 30, 1989

Osservazioni tassonomiche e geonemiche su
alcune specie di Carabidi italiani



Abstract - Remarks on the taxonomy and chorology of some species of Italian Carabidae (Coleoptera) - Deltomerus depressus landii n. subsp. from the Sibillini (central Apennines) is described; it is distinguished from the nominotypical subspecies by the less numerous dorsal punctures of elytra. In addition, the authors point out how the specimens of Harpalus rufitarsis Duftschmid, 1812 from Italy belong to the nominotypical subspecies, not to the subspecies H. rufitarsis decipiens Jeannel, 1942 (nec Dejean, 1829) from France and N. Spain - now H. rufitarsis montanellus Mateu, 1953 (Jeanne, 1971) -, not to a different subspecies, as the invalid H. rufitarsis decipiens Schatzmayr, 1941 and Magistretti, 1965 (nec Dejean, 1829; nec Jeannel, 1942); further, the true H. decipiens Dejean, 1829 (= H. impressipennis Dejean, 1829 = H. ramburi Rosenhauer, 1856) is a distinct species (Jeanne, 1971; Jeanne & Zaballos, 1986). Moreover, the geographic distributions of Bembidion millerianum Heyden, 1883, B. dahli Dejean, 1831, B. iricolor Bedel, 1879, Oodes gracilis Villa, 1833, Pterostichus externepunctatus Dejean, 1828 s.l., Pt. melanarius Illiger, 1798, Abax parallelus Duftschmid, 1812, Molops elatus Fabricius, 1801 s.l. (recorded from Italy for the first time), Brachinus nigricornis Gebler, 1829 and Br. exhalans Rossi, 1792 are extended or confirmed.