Saturday, 4 January 2014

N. 17: S. R. Tripathi & Rajesh Singh

G. it. Ent., 3 (17): 405-408
December 31, 1987

Suitability of parts of gram plant for the development and growth
of Heliothis armigera (Hübner)
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)



Abstract - The effects of the stem, leaf, flower and pod of gram plant on the growth and post-embryonic development of Heliothis armigera were investigated at Gorakhpur, India. During the investigation, the temperature ranged from 11 to 25 °C and R.H. from 47 to 91%. The investigation revealed that the tested parts of gram plant behaved like different food plants; these parts differed in their capacity to support survival, development and growth. The stem failed completely to support these aspects; the flower prolonged larval period and also caused the poorest survival.