Monday, 6 January 2014

N. 20: E. Contarini

G. it. Ent., 4 (20): 137-158
December 31, 1988

Eco-profili d'ambiente della coleotterofauna di Romagna. 2.
Le argille scagliose del medio-alto Appennino



Abstract - Ecological monographs on the Coleoptera of Romagna. 2. The argille scagliose of the middle and upper Apennines - The author studied for the last ten years the Coleoptera living on the argille scagliose [scaly clays] of the middle and upper Apennines of Romagna (northern Italy). The data regard 23 families, and among species the most interesting are ground ones (Carabidae and Staphylinidae especially), whereas herbivores are common and widespread in many habitats of the region. A map illustrates the distribution of the argille scagliose, and a drawing proportionally represents the collected families.