Sunday, 5 January 2014

N. 18: E. Piva

G. it. Ent., 4 (18): 17-20
April 30, 1988

Una nuova sottospecie di Halbherria tamaninii (Müller, 1931)
(Coleoptera, Catopidae, Bathysciinae)



Abstract - A new subspecies of Halbherria tamaninii (Müller, 1931) (Coleoptera, Catopidae, Bathysciinae) - Halbherria tamaninii pacei n. ssp. from Mount Obante (Carega Group, Trento) is described. The new subspecies lives in the same biotope with Halbherria stefani (Breit, 1914). It is the first finding of the genus Halbherria Conci & Tamanini, 1951 in endogeous habitat and also the first case that two species of this genus cohabit.