G. it. Ent., 3 (13): 185-193
August 31, 1986
Notes on some Dasytiscus Kiesw.
(Col., Dasytidae)
from Greece
Abstract - In the present paper the types of 4 Dasytiscus species (D. flaveolus Reitt., D. impressicollis Reitt., D. emgei Reitt., D. subtilis Reitt.) and two subspecies (D. indutus var. nigricornis Schilsky and D. i. var. obscuricollis Pic) are redescribed, together with a new taxon: D. indutus ssp. aegaeicus, from Crete and the Aegean islands. D. i. nigricornis Schilsky is synonymous with D. i. indutus Kiesw. and D. obscuripes Pic is a good species.