G. it. Ent., 14 (61): 375-394
March 2016
Note tassonomiche su alcuni
Trechus italiani del “gruppo subnotatus” (sensu JEANNEL, 1927), con rivalutazione di un taxon
e una nuova sinonimia
(Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae)
Abstract - Taxonomic notes on some Italian Trechus of the subnotatus group (sensu Jeannel, 1927), with a taxon revalued and a new synonymy (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) - In the present note, the systematic value of some Trechus of the subnotatus group (sensu JEANNEL, 1927) present in Italy, Switzerland and South France is considered. T. raymondi Pandellé, 1867 and T. binotatus Putzeys, 1870 have been treated up to now as synonyms of T. fairmairei Pandellé, 1867: the synonymy of T. raymondi with T. fairmairei is confirmed, while T. binotatus is considered of species rank, on the basis of morphological characters regarding the male genitalia, especially. The study has been complicated by the fact that the types of the three cited taxa are not traceable in their respective depository collections in Paris and Bruxelles: the types are considered lost. Hence, two the neotypes here designated, one for T. fairmairei, and one for T. binotatus. T. fairmairei is a species distributed in SE France and SW Italy, while T. binotatus range involves most part of N & C Italy and Canton Ticino in Switzerland. The two species are strictly vicariant. Trechus kahleni Donabauer & Lebenbauer, 2003 is considered a junior synonym of Trechus binotatus Putzeys, 1870, for the inconsistence of the distinctive diagnostic characters.