Sunday 10 February 2019

N. 61: P. Magrini & A. Degiovanni

G. it. Ent., 14 (61): 349-358
March 2016

Un nuovo Otiorhynchus (Lixorrhynchus) Reitter, 1914
del Monte Terminillo (Lazio)
(Coleoptera, Curculionoidea)



Abstract - A new Otiorhynchus (Lixorrhynchus) Reitter, 1914 from Mount Terminillo (Latium) (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) - A new species of the subgenus Lixorrhynchus of Otiorhynchus is described from the top of Mount Terminillo (Italy, Latium, Rieti): it is the 44th taxon of the subgenus known so far from Corsica and Italy. The new species can be morphologically compared just with the two geographically closest species: O. (L.) sabinus Magrini, Meoli & Abbazzi, 2005 from Moggio (Contigliano, Rieti) and O. (L.) aquilanus (Osella, 1976) from Sella di Corno (L’Aquila). It is easily distinguished from the former for its vestigial eyes (instead of being anophthalmous), the metafemora and metatibiae much shorter, and larger at base, the rostrum on dorsum widely concave instead of convex, the shorter elytral pubescence, the slenderer pronotum, much less globe-shaped and with closer fossulae. From the latter for the head, rostrum and antennae much longer, smaller eyes, narrower scrobes, less globe-shaped and slenderer pronotum [PMW/PL ratio = 0.98, instead of 1.03], shorter [EL/EW ratio = 1.85, instead of 1.90]and pointed at tip elytra, the same widest at middle (before middle in aquilanus). More marked the differences from the geographically farther species. Updated measurements for the holotype of O. (L.) sabinus are also reported.