Wednesday 7 February 2018

N. 60: G. Trezzi

G. it. Ent., 14 (60): 57-62
March 2015

Trechisibus tunarii, nuova specie di trechino
della Cordigliera Orientale boliviana
(Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae)



Abstract - Trechisibus tunarii, new trechine species from the Bolivian Cordillera Oriental  (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) - The new species was collected near the top (5035 m) of Cerro Tunari, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Cochabamba, Bolivia. It is characteristic for its depigmented integuments and the distinctive feature of the ocular regression to a whitish spot without ommatidia. Male genitalia and other characteristics are considered for comparison with the closest species.