Saturday 5 April 2014

N. 53: Bert Kohlmann & Angel Solís

G. it. Ent., 11 (53): 235-295
May 2006

El género Canthidium (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
en Norteamérica



Abstract - The genus Canthidium (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in North America - This paper is the result of the study of the genus Canthidium Erichson (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in North America. Thirteen species are reported, seven of them are new. The known species are: C. ardens Bates, C. centrale Boucomont, C. hespenheidei Howden & Young, C. laetum Harold, C. pseudopuncticolle Solís & Kohlmann and C. smithi Bates. The new taxa are: C. andersoni n. sp., C. delgadoi n. sp., C. howdeni n. sp., C. macclevei n. sp., C. moroni n. sp., C. pseudoperceptibile n. sp. and C. riverai n. sp. The following taxon between brackets is placed in synonymy: (C. rhodopus Bates, 1887) = C. ardens Bates, 1887. Two species are brachypterous: C. howdeni n. sp. and C. riverai n. sp. Photographs of the dorsal aspect of all species are included, as well as line drawings of important morphological characteristics and a distribution map. Drawings of the dorsal habitus for all species are also included. An identification key is presented.