Saturday 21 February 2015

N. 57: S. Facchini

G. it. Ent., 13 (57): 39-52
May 2012

Nuove specie di Pericalina Hope, 1838
della Regione Afrotropicale
(Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini)



Abstract - New species of Pericalina Hope, 1838 from the Afrotropical Region (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini) - Two new species of Lobodontus Chaudoir, 1842 and three new species of Dontolobus Basilewsky, 1970 from continental Africa are here described: Lobodontus puncticollis n. sp. from Zambia, L. tanzaniensis n. sp. from Tanzania and Zambia, Dontolobus aemiliae n. sp. from Zambia, Tanzania and Angola, D. trinotatus n. sp. from Zambia and Tanzania, D. ivorensis n. sp. from Ivory Coast. The habitus and male genitalia of the new taxa are illustrated.