Thursday 11 February 2016

N. 58: L. Fancello & P. Magrini

G. it. Ent., 13 (58): 283-288
April 2013

Descrizione di Langelandia (Normandella) montalbica,
nuova specie di Sardegna
(Coleoptera, Zopheridae)



Abstract - Description of Langelandia (Normandella) montalbica, new species from Sardinia (Coleoptera, Zopheridae) - The Authors describe Langelandia (Normandella) montalbica n. sp. from Sardinia (type locality: Monte [Mount] Albo, Nuoro province), Italy. The new species is easily distinguished from the others belonging to the same subgenus for the concomitant presence of some peculiar characters in external morphology: 4 fovea-shaped lateral depressions on the pronotum and two evident carinae on its disc, a salient carina between the 2nd and 3rd elytral stria.